E-böcker / Noveller
Hus och hem eller Hu, så hemskt
Borta bra men hemma bäst - så lyder det välkända ordspråket. Men skenet bedrar! Egentligen är hemmet faktiskt en av de absolut farligaste platserna att befinna sig på. Olyckor och ...
Folkstyre, blindstyre
I politikens förunderliga värld är det mycket som döljs under ytan. Här får vi möta spionen som bara en litterär agent kunde överlista, fången som hjälpt svenska staten mörda en am ...
Livet - en sexuellt överförd sjukdom som alltid slutar med döden
I livet finns det bara en sak som vi kan vara helt säkra på: förr eller senare tar det alltid slut. Har man otur så inträder döden dessutom mycket tidigare än man hade tänkt. För d ...
9 december: Het på gröten - en erotisk julkalender
Det är första advent och Sebastian serverar glögg till besökarna i en galleria, iklädd gröna trikåer ... Den enda ljuspunkten är en kvinna i en tomtedräkt som väcker hans begär på ...
3 december: En sockerbagare - en erotisk julkalender
Det är lille julafton och Sofie och Adam kan inte hålla sig längre. Kanske är det ett dåligt tillfälle, eftersom gästerna kommer om bara några timmar. Men de bara måste få vara när ...
24 december: Vi komma hand i hand - en erotisk julkalender
Gabriel är hemma hos släkten över jul. Medan snön faller utanför fönstret ska han och kusinerna Fabian och Rebecca baka alla julens godheter. Men Gabriel kan inte koncentrera sig p ...
14 december: Kom i din vita skrud - en erotisk julkalender
Kian står uppe på en scen, publiken kokar. Framför honom står fem stycken kvinnor, på knä, med uppdragna lucianattlinnen. Hans uppgift är att få dem alla att komma, och försöka lis ...
23 december: Mr T. - en erotisk julkalender
Nils är på väg upp till Rovaniemi. Det är dags för en intensiv periods arbete inför julen och alla julklappar som ska delas ut. Han sitter i sin tågkupé och känner att han kommer s ...
13 december: Gossar, låt oss julkåta vara - en erotisk julkalender
Det är juletid. Precis som den första Staffan en gång i tiden, har Staffan som tradition att rida runt på bygden med sina män för att bli inbjuden på gårdarna. I år ska han besöka ...
The Robber Bridegroom
A miller’s daughter is about to marry a rich man who is however creepy and scary. All the birds and creatures try to warn the poor girl. Something is quite not alright with her sui ...
The Wedding of Mrs. Fox
Mr. Fox had some doubts about his wife Mrs. Fox. He thought that she was unfaithful to him and he decided to put her to the test. He behaved as he was dead as he wanted to see if M ...
The Three Languages
The boy in our story decided to learn languages. And so he did. The language of birds, of dogs and of frogs. His father was however not satisfied. The boy had to be killed. His fat ...
Clever Hans
Hans was in love with a girl named Gretel. They saw each other every day and every time Gretel gave Hans a gift. Hans was however not that smart, so he mishandled the gifts. Gretel ...
Little Louse and Little Flea
Once lived a louse and a flea together and then suddenly one day the louse burnt herself. The flea got scared and began screaming. And this simple thing led to the door’s creaking, ...
The Singing Bone
Whoever kills the wild boar and frees the land from this plague, will marry the king’s daughter. This is the challenge two brothers decided to face. You may think that they were wi ...
The Mouse, the Bird, and the Sausage
Here goes a tale about three little friends who lived together and shared daily tasks like cooking or gathering woods. But as it often happens in some households, a problem occurre ...
LeXuS : Satie, the Praegressus - Erotic dystopia
Like everyone in Belgrame, Satie’s life has been decided by LeXuS. But what if LeXuS has made the wrong choice? Unhappy with a District and Partner who are not right for her, it se ...
Fairy Tales
Children and adults alike, immerse yourselves into Grimm’s world of folktales and legends! Come, discover the little-known tales and treasured classics in this collection of 210 fa ...
Fuck Buddies - Erotic Short Story
Ebba and Philip are attracted to each other but they both know very well that they shouldn't be together. They are too different. They have different priorities. They finally decid ...
Babysitter - Erotic Short Story
"I brought my right hand down in between my legs. I got on all fours on the bed, facing the door that was still closed. He would open it any second now." Cornelia decides to work a ...
A Dream of Paris - Erotic Short Story
"I can feel his hands everywhere, as if he is exploring each millimetre of my body with his fingertips. As I kiss his neck I inhale his scent and it intoxicates me. My Alfons."Gabr ...
Student accommodation - Erotic Short Story
A party at a student accommodation at the university in Lund leads to an after party with beer pong, music and cigarettes. Erik has gotten Vera to try MDMA for the first time and n ...
Nettles and Sauna - Erotic Short Story
It's winter, almost Christmas, and Lilly is finally about to see Isabella again. Isabella rimes with novella. They are about to celebrate Christmas together in the little cabin in ...
Lucia - Erotic Short Story
Everyone knows that the part as Lucia is going to go to either Julia or Tess. Tess, confident, smug and beautiful. Julia and Tess have been competitors since they were both kids. T ...
Forbidden Places: The Politician - Erotic Short Story
"Evelina exhaled slowly through her nose. 'It was incredible, Smith.' She lowered her head and licked the underside of his cock. She realised that she loved hearing him moan. He so ...