Ljudböcker / Romaner
B. J. Harrison Reads The Bet
While hosting a party, a banker makes a bet with one of his guests, who is a lawyer. The topic of the bet is capital punishment and whether it is worse or better than a life senten ...
B. J. Harrison Reads Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves
Ali Baba and Cassim are two Persian brothers. Ali Baba barely manages to put food on the table for his family, while his brother lives an easy life thanks to his rich wife. One day ...
B. J. Harrison Reads Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp
Aladdin is a boy, who lives in poverty with his mother. One day, while he is playing outside, an African magician approaches him and claims that he is Aladdin’s uncle. The mysterio ...
Oskuld och erfarenhet
Året är 1792. Stolmakare Kellaway flyttar till London med sin familj för att arbeta som snickare åt den store Philip Astley och hans cirkus. Sonen Jem kastas in i det tumultartade ...
Den blå färgen
Ella Turner och hennes man har flyttat från USA till en idyllisk liten by i sydvästra Frankrike. Ella förälskar sig genast i atmosfären i det gamla huset de får hyra. Men det visar ...
Kärlekens kedjor
En tjej blir brutalt angripen utanför sin gymnasieskola. Hon räddas av en lärare som på avstånd ser angreppet. Kort därefter anländer Edvard från socialtjänsten till skolan, han tv ...
Jag är olyckligt här
Utan Folke hade jag tveklöst dött, han släppte aldrig båren. På akuten på natten säger de till honom att: »Du måste stanna här, vi ska undersöka din pappa. Vi är strax tillbaka.«Fo ...
”Ne vaanivat saalistaan unien äärillä. Kun ne surmaavat uneksijan keskellä painajaista, osa tämän mielestä kuolee.” Alma Eriksson on jäänyt vangiksi avioliittoonsa sairautensa vuok ...
Berta på 7an
Jag var livrädd. Det var som om resan till äldreboendet var en färd i kista till gravens mörka håla, fast levande. Fortfarande. Där skulle jag träffa andra i min ålder och jag viss ...
Anne Lisbeth
Anne Lisbeth was a beautiful young woman, but she gave birth to a repugnantly ugly child. That is why she gave it into the care of the wife of a man who worked in the fields. This ...
Aunty Toothache
Aunt Mille has always told me that I have the soul of a great poet. I am not sure about this, but I love her so much that I do not dare contradict her. The reason I love her so muc ...
An Angel from Heaven (Barbara Cartland's Pink Collection 141)
Perfect for fans of the Bridgerton series by Julia Quinn. The beautiful Lady Diana Dinsdale’s father has died and shortly afterwards her mother dies as well and she is heartbroken ...
Man in a Tight Squeeze
Stories of dominant women or men, couples, or strangers who explore the limits of sexuality with role play, BDSM, partner swapping or orgies shrouded in sexy mystique.This is a col ...
Stories of dominant women or men, couples, or strangers who explore the limits of sexuality with role play, BDSM, partner swapping or orgies shrouded in sexy mystique. This is a co ...
Passing Exam
Stories of dominant women or men, couples, and strangers who explore the limits of sexuality with role play, BDSM, partner swapping or orgies shrouded in sexy mystique.This is a co ...
Sex Rehabilitation
Stories of dominant women or men, couples, or strangers who explore the limits of sexuality with role play, BDSM, partner swapping or orgies shrouded in sexy mystique. This is a co ...
Naughty Girl
Stories of dominant women or men, couples, or strangers who explore the limits of sexuality with role play, BDSM, partner swapping or orgies shrouded in sexy mystique. This is a co ...
Stories of dominant women or men, couples, or strangers who explore the limits of sexuality with role play, BDSM, partner swapping or orgies shrouded in sexy mystique.This is a col ...
Bound and Abandoned
Stories of dominant women or men, couples, or strangers who explore the limits of sexuality with role play, BDSM, partner swapping or orgies shrouded in sexy mystique. This is a co ...
Love Conquers All
Stories of dominant women or men, couples, or strangers who explore the limits of sexuality with role play, BDSM, partner swapping or orgies shrouded in sexy mystique.This is a col ...
Reward and Punishment
Stories of dominant women or men, couples, or strangers who explore the limits of sexuality with role play, BDSM, partner swapping or orgies shrouded in sexy mystique.This is a col ...
The Flax
The flax is flowering and has a happy future before him. He will grow, be gathered and transformed into beautiful fabric. He is very impatient, but he still has some lessons to lea ...
A Picture from the Ramparts
In this short tale, Hans Christian Andersen depicts a castle’s ramparts on an autumn day. A bird flies through the prison cell window and softens the heart of the miserable prisone ...
Five Peas from a Pod
There were five peas in a pod: they held their line and waited for the moment to leave. For them, everything was green: they were green and their world, which was limited to their ...
30 November
Det här är boken bakom regissören Daniel Fridells klassiska film "30 November" som tar upp frågor kring våld, rasism och droger. Ljudboken är den andra delen i ljudserien Under yta ...